Une nouvelle année

Heli arrived on last Friday. It’s been good.

Özhan, l’artiste took a photo of me and Heli yesterday. I haven’t been featured on Deviantart before! Not that we are recognizable, but still it’s cool. The weather in Metz really is that melancholic. No wonder Verlaine and folks liked it here.

It was a good and peaceful new year. We drank a bit (not too much like I did in Paris on Saturday when I got a stomach disease), and found a nice small bar where it was fun to dance. It was somehow amusing that the DJ played all the songs from Youtube, though :D.

We have also been playing Mario, taken lots of photos, talked, wandered around, seen lots of sights, prayed, relaxed, written, gotten lost and then found, talked with people in a couple of languages.

Tonight, going to see Hunger. Nähdään nälkää, heheh. Heh. Hee… öh.

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  1. Heh, kuulostaa taas kivalta kaikki! Halusin vaan lollailla, kun puhuttii jotain Ranskasta ja matkailusta kaverin kanssa jouluna, niin sanoin että “yks tuttu on Ranskan Metzissä nyt” ja sekös vasta hilpeää olikin! Kaverilla oli semmonen wtf-ilme, kun se ajatteli Ranskan metsiä ja sinua samoamassa siellä vuoden (onko siellä edes metsiä?). Nii ja se oli siis se kaveri, kenet tapasit pornokaupassa! Taisin kyllä luvata etten enää kommentoi näitä, mutta tässä meni sekin sitten. Pidä hauskaa jatkossakin o/

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